Vietnam – Korea Friendship Street Festival 2022

Vietnam – Korea Friendship Street Festival 2022 took place in Hanoi. This event was hosted to commemorate the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Korea. The festival brought the participants intriguing experiences with numerous attractive cultural and artistic activities, including: Vietnamese – Korean food festival, Street Performance Festival, and Korean – Vietnamese Festival Street Music Night with the involvement of well-known Vietnamese and Korean singers and bands

HoaBinh Events has offered a variety of high-quality services to ensure the success of this event, including:

  • Booth setup
  • Stage system
  • LED screens, audiovisual equipment system, special effects with smoke and fire, etc.
  • Stage tents, tables & chairs, event security fences, etc. 
  • Media specialists (videography and photography)
  • Security, fire prevention, medical, ambulance, etc.
  • Application for permission to organize the event

With careful preparation together with the determination and professionalism of the HoaBinh Events team, all work categories are carried out in a scientific and safe manner, bringing a successful event that contributes to emphasizing on the ties between Vietnam and Korea. 

Vietnam - Korea Friendship Vietnam - Korea Friendship


Vietnam - Korea Friendship Vietnam - Korea Friendship Vietnam - Korea Friendship