10 Leverage Ideas Tailored for Summer Music Festivals and Concerts in Vietnam

With the arrival of summer comes an abundance of exciting music festivals and concerts in Vietnam. Successful advertising is essential for making these events a huge success. This article will provide ten unique strategies for promoting summertime concerts in Vietnam. These tactics, which range from utilizing local influencers to showcasing Vietnam’s breathtaking landscapes, will help you attract music fans in Vietnam. So, let’s get rolling and make your gathering legendary!

Collaborate to local celebrities and influencers

Tap into the influence of local celebrities and social media personalities to amplify your event’s reach. By partnering with well-known figures like singer Toc Tien, who promoted the Monsoon Music Festival on her Instagram, you can effectively engage and attract a wider  Vietnamese audience.

Tap into the influence of local celebrities and social media personalities to amplify your event's reach 

Photo: Singer Toc Tien – InstagramMonsoon Music Festival was promoted with assistance of famous singers Photo: MonSoon Music Festival 2019A lot of music events were spread widely by famous singers and influencers Photo: MonSoon Music Festival 2019 

Partner with local media

Build relationships with local Vietnamese media outlets, such as newspapers, radio stations, and TV channels, to secure extensive coverage for your event. For example, Đoi Song Van Hoa‘s coverage of VR By Night – BEYOND THE LEGEND helped generate buzz and attract a substantial audience to the festivities.

Build relationships with local Vietnamese media outlets, such as newspapers, radio stations, and TV channels Photo: Life and Culture MagazineMedia channels help you promote your events Photo: Widimedia GroupMedia contributes in making your events go viral Photo: Widimedia Group 

Localized social media campaigns

Embrace the power of social media by crafting content that speaks directly to the Vietnamese audience. Incorporate local language, cultural references, and timely examples – such as the recent Ký ức Hội An ( Memories of Hoi An), commented as “the most beautiful show in the world” by Reuters – to engage and entice music, art and cultural lovers across the nation.

Embrace the power of social media by crafting content that speaks directly to the Vietnamese audience Photo: KlookBy associating with local social media, your events will get more attention and spread widely Photo: KlookUse the power of social media to approach your audiences Photo: Klook 

Collaborate with popular Vietnamese brands

Collaborate with well-known Vietnamese companies to raise awareness of your event and provide exclusive discounts. A good example of a mutually beneficial cooperation that attracts a wider audience is Tiger Beer‘s sponsorship of Quest Festival.

Collaborate with well-known Vietnamese companies to raise awareness of your event and provide exclusive discounts Photo: vietnamtimesCollaborate with well-known local brand for better results Photo: vietnamtimesDo not hesitate to offer collaboration with local brands Photo: The culture trip 

Focus on unique settings

Emphasize the distinctive Vietnamese settings of your event to attract attendees who appreciate the country’s stunning landscapes and historical sites. For example, the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival, held along the picturesque Han River, showcases not only a dazzling pyrotechnic display but also the natural beauty and cultural significance of its location, drawing in a diverse and enthusiastic crowd.

do not underestimate the efficiency of historical sites Photo: Helio VnThe effect of your events will enhance when organize on a stunning landscape Photo: Helio VnExample of successful annual event being organized on beautiful landscape Photo: Da Nang Television

Collaborate with local food vendors

Partner with local food vendors to showcase the refined and variety of Vietnamese cuisine at your event. By featuring mouthwatering dishes from talented vendors at events like the Escape Music Festival, you not only support local businesses but also provide attendees with a memorable gastronomic experience that complements the event’s entertainment offerings. This culinary collaboration enhances the overall atmosphere and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Partner with local food vendors to showcase the refined and variety of Vietnamese cuisine at your event Photo: Brands VietnamCombine cuisine and activities of your event are not a bad idea Photo: tuoitrenewsPeople enjoy vendor food a long with participate your event Photo: tuoitrenews 

Offer group discounts

Appeal to Vietnamese families and groups of friends by providing group discounts on event tickets. For example, Color Me Run entices larger parties with appealing price reductions, encouraging more attendees to join and experience the fun together, while also boosting overall ticket sales.

A wisely marketing idea is providing group discount Photo: colormerunThis strategy will go viral by groups Photo: colormerunBy offer discount for group, your events will get better attraction Photo: colormerun 

Promote eco-friendly initiatives

Highlight your event’s dedication to environmental sustainability to resonate with Vietnam’s increasing focus on eco-friendly practices. For instance, the Monsoon Music Festival emphasizes its commitment to green initiatives, such as waste reduction and recycling. By showcasing your event’s environmental responsibility, you attract environmentally conscious attendees and contribute to a greener future for the country.

A meaningful message provides to audiences Photo: L’OFFICIELHighlight your event's dedication to environmental sustainability to resonate with Vietnam's increasing focus on eco-friendly practices Photo: L’OFFICIELThe Earth needs to be protected than ever Photo: L’OFFICIEL 

Utilize local event listing websites

Expand your event’s reach by advertising on popular Vietnamese event listing websites and apps, such as Ticketbox and Ticketgo. By tapping into these platforms, you increase visibility and accessibility for potential attendees, making it easier for them to discover and purchase tickets to your music festival or concert.

Utilize the local tickets listing and purchasing platforms Photo: TicketboxFind local tickets websites or platforms to promote your event Photo: TicketboxDon't forget about using local ticket platforms to make your events go viral Photo: Ticketgo