Virtual Events – Organize successful virtual events – HoaBinh Events

With rapid technological developments, events or conferences that take place in cyberspace have been commonly used by companies. Organizing a virtual event requires very high-quality and advanced device systems as well as experienced event makers. Let’s learn more about this form of event through this article with HoaBinh Events.

What is a virtual event?

A virtual event uses tools such as VR (virtual reality) or AR (augmented reality) to provide the most real experience for everyone to meet, interact, and exchange online through a gadget, computer, or VR glass.

A virtual presentation has the same influence as an offline one
A virtual presentation has the same influence as an offline one

Hosting an online event is still an effective way for the organizer to spread their message or promote their brand. During the virtual event, photos, videos, and live streams are wisely arranged throughout the execution to maintain the excitement of the audience. 

Facebook, Zoom, Google Meet, TikTok, etc. are some famous platforms to hold a virtual event. The topic of an online event could be anything: fashion, beauty, technology, an exhibition, etc.

Virtual events are organized on Zoom with online participants
Virtual events are organized on Zoom with online participants

Producing events virtually could bring plenty of benefits to the organizer; here are some:

  • Optimal audience reach. A virtual event effectively increases the audience reach as phone users can participate in the activities from anywhere, anytime. They could also immediately interact with the company to gain desired information or have their experiences tailored precisely.
Virtual events could reach a wider audience
Virtual events could reach a wider audience
  • Expenditure minimization. By applying this method, companies can cut down on their spending remarkably. Companies can spend less money on renting venues, transportation, decorating preparation, and so on.
  • Environmental influence. The use of virtual events significantly helps decrease the negative impact on the air. Participants could restrict their carbon footprint as well.

Tips for organizing a virtual event

  • Define the objectives. The purpose of the event needs to be clarified; your event could be for advertising, launching products, or sharing. Your goals should be specific, measurable, and achievable. 
  • Prepare a detailed plan. After setting your goals, it is time to plan precisely. You should consider every detail of your event and make sure that each task receives the needed attention.
  • Time and location. settle on a suitable date for the event and a venue for the event organizers to gather and produce the event.
  • Selecting the digital platform and technology. Technology factors play the most crucial role in creating a seamless online event. Therefore, companies should pay attention to choosing the streaming platform and carefully prepare the computers and devices.
The technology system decides the success rate of a virtual event
The technology system decides the success rate of a virtual event
  • Budget limit: To avoid budget shortcuts, wisely use your company’s funding and specify all the expenditures.
  • Create a script: A well-prepared script helps ensure the excitement of the attendees during the event. To generate an interactive atmosphere, the organizers should double-check all the content, photos, and other materials and also highlight keynotes in the script.
A detailed script contributes to the smooth flow of an online event
A detailed script contributes to the smooth flow of an online event
  • Drive the media: Remember to promote your event on owned media channels and run ads to earn a wider reach.

Suggest some ideas for a virtual event

  • Concert: Audiences without traveling could enjoy their favorite artists when participating in virtual shows held on Youtube, TikTok, or Instagram. Online concerts also increase the artist’s name around the world. 
Fans participate in their idols’ online shows
Fans participate in their idols’ online shows
  • Exhibition: A virtual exhibition is the best way for brands to show off their products to customers everywhere. It can still demonstrate the features and exact appearance of your business’s items. 
An amazing visual of a virtual art exhibition
An amazing visualization of a virtual art exhibition
  • Launch product: using 3D technology to introduce a new product to the public. Customers can virtually figure out the packaging and features of the product.
3D technology could successfully demonstrate the look of the latest products
3D technology could successfully demonstrate the look of the latest products
  • Talk show: Many people prefer listening and sharing on cyber platforms rather than offline ones. It could increase engagement between the speakers and the listeners.
Virtual talk shows allow attendees to share their thoughts comfortably
Virtual talk shows allow attendees to share their thoughts comfortably
  • Live-selling: Livestreams that sell products have become very familiar to the public recently. Especially on TikTok, brands hold live commerce very often. During the live stream, brands provide customers with immediate suggestions about size or design.
Live selling effectively increases the business’s revenue
Live selling effectively increases the business’s revenue
  • Conference: Virtual conferences could cover many different topics, such as science, business, or culture. Not only does this reduce the environmental impact, but this type of conference could reach a larger audience through digital sites. 

HoaBinh Events – Professional event organizing service

Virtual events require superbly modern technological devices and skilled employee systems. That is the reason why companies need a specialized event agency such as HoaBinh Events to produce the best virtual events. Providing the smoothest service, HoaBinh Events satisfies clients with a dedicated working spirit and cutting-edge streaming equipment. 

Hopefully, this blog gives you some useful tips and ideas for virtual events. Contact HoaBinh Events via the hotline at (+84) 939.311.911 – (+84) 913.311.911 for further discussion.