Fintech Company


Conference & Exhibition




600 guests


“ The response from our customers and colleagues alike has been overwhelming; the event certainly had the desired impact! The partnership with Penguins was vital to the success of the event with faultless execution across multiple service streams.” -Director of Global Marketing & Strategy


  • Provide a forum to examine industry insights, discussing innovation and current trends within the market
  • Raise the profile of the client on a global scale
  • Offer a central networking opportunity for the distributors, customers and banking technology community

The client sought to host the event in a central iconic location within Europe, to include a conferenceexhibition and off-site dinners. The theme for the event was “ENGAGE” which needed to be captured in all of the branding event design.


  • Limited access time at venue to construct the event – including 50 bespoke exhibition stands and a giant projection screen
  • 600 delegates requiring event accommodation in central London during the week of Wimbledon
  • Off-site dinner venues that could fit the numbers and were available on key dates
  • Management of rooming lists for international delegation
  • Management of multiple transfers around the city to multiple venues


Penguins proposed to host the event at the Westminster Park Plaza which has iconic views of Westminster Palace and The Thames, with multiple bedrooms in house or close by and an ideal conference space.

For the main plenary room, we introduced a large 23m wide digital projection canvas to provide a high impact presentation surface.

Speakers for the event included Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller (MI5), Sir Terry Leahy (Tesco) and Patrick Dixon (Global Change) to provide their viewpoints on innovation and global trends.

The central hub of the event was the “Solution Showcase”. This was a large area to network with co-delegates surrounded by 50 bespoke displays for GGS products. A huge amount of planning went into the custom flooring, graphic panels, furniture, cabling, networking, digital display, lighting, IT and logistics to build this space from scratch in just 12 hours. This included the positioning and commissioning of over 50 products, some of which weighed over 1000kg!

For the first evening, the guests were transported by a traditional red bus to London’s Science Museum. Here we merged science experiments with some very tasty food to provide futuristic culinary delights – think Heston Blumental! The second evening was hosted on board the Silver Sturgeon for an elegant cruise down the river Thames. The cruise included on-board entertainment, music and a relaxed environment to network on a glorious summer’s evening.