Top 10+ Things Need To Prepare To Organize A Successful And Amazing Wedding

The wedding is an important day, and every bride and groom wants it to go smoothly. In the article below, HoaBinh Events will share some experiences in organizing weddings, helping couples easily understand the process of preparing a perfect wedding.

1. View and choose a wedding date

According to ancient beliefs, a wedding should choose an auspicious day so that both families of the bride and groom can plan preparations appropriate to the specific time. Clearly determining the wedding date is the first thing to do so that the couple can easily book parties, take wedding photos, send cards, etc. early, avoiding the rush of preparing close to the wedding day. Furthermore, choosing a beautiful, suitable wedding day for the bride and groom also means wishing for a new life full of fulfillment and lasting happiness.

2. Make a detailed and specific budget

When determining the date that the couple will hold the wedding party, the next thing to do is to budget for the party. Based on your family and personal finances, create a budget with items arranged in order from most important to least important. The more detailed the list, the better, because it will help you understand the amount of money you need to prepare and cut down on unnecessary items.

Or you and your partner can set an expense and budget based on that amount. Clearly determining the budget will help the wedding be more economical and not exceed its affordability.

3. Make a guest list

After determining the cost of the wedding, the couple should make a list and estimate the appropriate number of guests. At this stage, it is necessary to calculate the expected number of guests to be able to book enough tables.

Besides, both families should also agree on the number of banquet tables and the number of guests that the groom’s and bride’s families invite. Once you have determined the number of tables to book for the party, the couple should consult wedding restaurants as soon as possible to be able to choose a suitable banquet hall.

4. Choose a wedding venue

Next is choosing wedding venues that can accommodate the number of guests and are suitable for the time the couple is holding. Besides, prioritize choosing wedding restaurants with convenient locations, located in the center or in places where guests can easily move. In addition, the couple should list the restaurants they like and take the time to visit them in person.

Normally, choosing a location for a party should be done three months in advance. Because if your wedding coincides with the wedding seasons from September to January without booking your party early, it is easy to run out of banquet halls. Therefore, please proceed to choose a restaurant and book a party as soon as possible!

If you two love something new and a bit Western, then try an outdoor wedding; it will definitely bring an interesting experience to the wedding.

5. Choose the menu and book the party

Once you have finalized a suitable party location, the next step will be to consult the wedding menu and book the party. Restaurants often have wedding menus available that couples can view and choose from. For these menus, the restaurant has researched to create dishes with adequate quality and taste while still ensuring cost.

6. Choose a unit to decorate the bridal procession at home

The wedding day not only takes place at the restaurant but is also held at the bride and groom’s family. Therefore, decorating the house to receive the bride for the ceremony is also something that needs to be prepared. Look for decoration service providers to discuss your couple’s ideas and wishes. Normally, the stage of choosing and booking this service is done two months in advance so that the unit can prepare more carefully.

Currently, wedding restaurants provide decoration services at private homes. You can ask about this decoration issue when booking a party. Booking a party and choosing home decoration services from the same company will save both of you time as well as allow you to easily track progress during the preparation process.

7. Buy a wedding ring

Wedding rings are an indispensable item at any wedding. It is a symbol of the lifelong bond between husband and wife. Therefore, choosing and buying a wedding ring also requires careful consideration. You two should choose and buy pre-designed rings 1 to 2 months before the wedding date. For couples who want to own a pair of separate, self-designed rings, they need to order rings early so the store can prepare.

8. Choose a wedding dress and vest

Costumes and wedding dresses are the highlights that contribute to making the party more splendid, as well as the details that guests pay the most attention to. Therefore, choosing a wedding dress and vest that are both beautiful and convenient to move in is not simple. During the party, the two of you will move around a lot, so avoid choosing dresses that are too tight or too cumbersome because it will be difficult to move around.

9. Wedding photography

A wedding party cannot lack wedding photos of the couple. Normally, wedding photography is done 1 to 2 months before the wedding so that the two of you have time to choose a location, edit, and print the photos. If you want to take photos abroad, you need to prepare 3–4 months early to have more time to prepare!

10. Print wedding invitations and invite guests

Once you know the guest list and party location, the couple should choose a suitable invitation template to print and write names to invite guests. Choose cards with light colors; it doesn’t have to be too picky, and the thing to check carefully to avoid errors before sending the card is whether the information on the printed card is correct! In addition, you two should send invitations to guests 2 to 4 weeks before the wedding. This will help guests arrange and come celebrate your wedding!

Above is a share from Hoabinh Events about what needs to be prepared so that the couple can organize a perfect wedding party for themselves. For any information you need advice on, please contact us via hotline: 0913.311.911 – 0939.311.911 for 24/7 support. We wish you both a meaningful and successful wedding day.